My mini quilt top is finished! I love it! I think it is so cute! The mini quilt will finish 12.5″ by 18.5″.

I finally figured out what fabric line this is! It is Metropolitan Fair by Barbara Brackman for Moda. These little HSTs were the leftover scraps from a quilt I finished years ago when I was new to quilting and didn’t even think about documenting anything. But, as luck would have it, the leftover scrap of backing fabric had just enough selvage to help me figure it out. Yay!
I just love the back! It makes me so happy to look at it. Is that weird?

I explained in an earlier post that this quilt has not cost me a dime. I am using leftover scraps from previous projects, so it is beautiful and free! You can’t beat that!

I thought I might try hand quilting as this is such a small project. I figure I need to get some practice in before I tackle trying to hand quilt my hexagon quilt which I anticipate being a monster of an undertaking!
Happy Quilting! ~ Alison